What to do if you are recovering from COVID-19!


People who have won the battle against covid-19 are suffering from fatigue and weakness after their recovery. But worry not! We have got your back with our Covid-19 recovery tips that we have formulated after our intense research.

The second wave of Covid-19 has reached its peak in India. According to Times-News, the recovery rate of Covid-19 in India has become 83.5%. As more people are coming out of the fatal trap of Covid-19, the good Covid-19 recovery has also become a very important concern. Covid-19 is a fatal virus and it can cause a lot of damage to your body. The patient can suffer from chronic respiratory and lung damage. That’s why the patients must take extra care and shower extra love on themselves for a better recovery. It will help them to get back their health and fitness back in their normal routine.

Let's discuss a few most important Covid-19 recovery tips that every doctor and medical expert is suggesting nowadays.

1. Food:

Having nutritious food is the most Covid-19 recovery tip that everyone needs to follow. If you have just recovered from Covid-19 then you should consume a lot of vitamin C, a high amount of calories, and protein-rich food. Foods like paneer, milk, peanut butter, eggs, lentils, nuts, etc. are a good source of protein. After Covid-19 recovery, feeling low on energy, and fatigue is very normal. For this, the patient should eat small frequent meals. Breaking up your meals in more frequency will help to utilize calories in a better way.

2. Hydration:

‘Water is an elixir of life, that’s the most famous proverb to explain the importance of water in the human body and right now you should work along with it. Keeping your body hydrated is very important during the Covid-19 recovery period. It helps in better assimilation of medications as well as maintain the proper healthy functioning of the body. You can also choose fruit juices, milk, smoothies, etc. to maintain hydration. It will not help your body maintain hydration and provide extra nutrition to your body that is much needed during Covid-19 recovery.

3. Yoga and breathing exercises:

Covid-19 affects the lungs and respiratory system severely. That’s why it becomes very important to take special care of your lungs during Covid-19 recovery. Yoga comes as the best Covid-19 recovery tip for rejuvenating your lungs and respiratory system through breathing exercises. You should include Pranayam in your daily routine. Taking steam once or twice a day can also help with post-covid residue cough and sore throat.

4. Take proper rest:

As you are in the phase of Covid-19 recovery, be mindful of taking proper rest. Don’t over-exaggerate your body just after the recovery. Take proper rest and avoid strenuous activities. Do light exercises and yoga but don’t push your limits. Avoid too much screen time as well. Take proper sleep and maintain a healthy daily routine.

5. Mental health:

Covid-19 has affected us physically, but it has also taken a toll on our mental health. Showering yourself with a lot of self-love and care also falls under one of the most important Covid-19 recovery tips. Talk to your friends and stay connected with your people. Spend time with your family. You can also play indoor games like ludo or can try activities like painting etc. Seek emotional support if needed in these tough times. If you feel distressed then you can also opt for therapy.


You should take extra care during the Covid-19 recovery phase. Eat healthy food and keep your body hydrated. Do yoga-like pranayam and other breathing exercises for a good recovery. Take proper rest physically as well as mentally. 

And at last, don’t forget that everyone around you is going through tough times. So be considerate and don’t forget to check on your loved ones. We wish you a healthy and happy Covid-19 recovery.


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