The Israel- Palestine war

 Israeli and Palestinian conflict has caught the attention of the whole world. According to reports, more than 240 people have lost their lives in this war. The fight continued for 11 days and caused a lot of life and asset damage. Israel and Palestinian are fighting with each other for several issues. This situation is an unpleasant and very unfortunate sight where hundreds of innocent people are being killed. Israeli and Palestinian conflict is not a new concern. They both share a long tensed history.

Source: Jagran josh

A shared history of Israel and Palestine

After defeating the emperor of Palestine in world war II, Britain took over the region. Most inhabitants of the place were Jewish minority and Arab majority. Both communities started developing tension with each other when Britain started establishing a ‘national home for Jewish people in Palestine. This can be stated as the starting of today’s Israeli and Palestinian conflict.

The tension arises because both communities claimed Palestine as their ancestral place where they can rightfully live. The establishment of a ‘national home’ for Jewish was opposed by the Arabs. After world war II, many jew refugees came to Palestine to seek shelter from Europe after escaping from persecution. 

Ultimately, during the 1920s and 1940s the British rule, Jews and Arabs got in violence with each other to safeguard their interests against each other. To resolve this conflict, the UN interfered. The UN voted to divide Palestine into two territories one occupied by each community. This decision was welcomed and accepted by the Jewish community and its leaders but Arab leaders refused to go along with it. The decision was never really implemented on the ground levels. The British rule left in 1948 Palestine. The issue was still unresolved. The Jewish people started the formation of the state of Israel. This caused severe bloodshed in the region. Many neighboring Arab countries also invaded. A large of Palestinians were forced to left their homes. Next year when the fight ceased. Isreal overtook most of the part. There was never a peace agreement and both sides blame each other. Many bloodsheds and wars followed in the next years. And the consequence of this was the Israeli and Palestinian conflict that we face right now.

What is the current situation?

Israel and Palestinian conflict share a long history of tensions which is continued till now. The tensions are mostly high between Israel and Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank including Jerusalem. Things were suddenly becoming more tensed during the Ramdan month in April 2021 while police and Palestinians were having clashes. The main problem is the future of Palestinian refugees. Peace talks are being done from time to time for the last 25 years but no solid results have been drawn from them.

What's the next step?

The situation is worse and no solidified solution is in the sight till now. The most recent peace policy was made by the US during Trump's rule, which has been stated as one-sided by the Palestinians and further ended up being rejected by them. Many diplomatic experts have been speculating that if nothing happens soon in the direction of calming the tension then there can be very serious consequences which will be responsible for more bloodshed and loss of human life in the Israeli and Palestinian conflict.


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