What exactly is BLACK FUNGUS?


Black fungus disease is a deadly non-contagious disease which is also known as mucormycosis. Many people who have suffered from Covid-19 is now getting infected by black fungus disease. It has a high mortality rate which is around 50%.

Black fungus has been in existence for so long. But till now this fungal disease was a very rare infection. As we have seen a rise in Covid-19 cases in the second wave, suddenly the cases of black fungus have also risen in India. 

Source: Jagran

Healthcare bodies are now concerned about the rising cases of this black fungus disease. It mainly affects the intraorbital and intracranial regions of the sinus.

Almost all fungi produce millions of microscopic spores to reproduce and continue their species. Similarly, the black fungus also produces microscopic spores which spread to different regions through the air. When these spores find the moisture they start to germinate. These fungal spores [including black fungal spores] are found almost everywhere. These are low-virulence and don’t cause infection normally. But when a person who has a weak immune system comes in contact with these spores, they may develop black fungus disease.

Black fungal disease symptoms

As the new cases of black fungus disease are rising, there are few basic black fungal disease symptoms that doctors are noticing in the patients. Let's discuss all the possible black fungal disease symptoms.

  •        Headache
  •        Swelling on face
  •       Sinus and nasal congestion
  •       Fever

Black fungus disease can grow on various body parts and the symptoms also sightly varies according to that. Like rhinocerebral [sinus and brain] mucormycosis can also show black lesions on the nasal chamber or the upper inside of the mouth. Pulmonary [lung] mucormycosis also causes symptoms like cough, chest pain, and shortness of breath while gastrointestinal mucormycosis can cause abdominal pain, nausea, and gastrointestinal bleeding.

Who’s at risk from black fungus?

There is a particular section of people with specific adjectives who are at most risks from black fungus disease and these are;

·       Covid-19 patients [ or who have recovered]

·       Diabetic patients

·       Patients on high steroids therapy

·       Patients under immunosuppressive therapy

Source: Telegraph India

After the sudden upsurge in black fungus cases, it is normal to suddenly this normal fungal Spore has become so invasive. The answer is low immunity. People who have recovered from Covid-19 is facing the issue of a weakened immune system. This makes them more prone to black fungus infection. The diabetic patients who are on high steroid doses are also more susceptible to black fungus disease. Steroids are also being used to treat Covid-19 patients which also adds another factor for susceptibility towards black fungus disease.

Black fungal disease prevention

The Indian Council of Medical Research [ICMR]  and the Union Health Ministry has also issued an advisory for screening and management of black fungus disease on 9th May, 2021.

The black fungus disease can be treated by antifungal drugs. According to BBC news, Amphotericin-B Liposomal is the main anti-fungal drug used in treating black fungus disease. But as the number of cases is increasing, in some regions government has reported the shortening of anti-fungal medicines.

Source: Twitter

The proverb that prevention is a better cure fits perfectly during this time. Black fungus is a fatal disease and the treatment is also not available easily in the current scenario when there is already a lack of medical facilities for Covid-19 patients. So it is better to follow black fungus prevention measures to avoid adding more danger to our lives. The doctors advise few measures to prevent the black fungus infection like;

  •        Wear a mask while going out, especially in dirty and muddy areas.
  •        Diabetic patients must maintain their sugar levels.
  •        Patients should not consume steroids without prescription.
  •        The doctors should decrease the number of steroids in Covid-19 treatment.
  •        Avoid skin exposure and maintain proper hygiene.


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